6 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day


This Thursday, April 22nd, is Earth Day. At Through the Trees, we encourage connecting with and caring for the Earth every day, but finding special ways to do this on Earth Day serves as a celebration for our beautiful planet. This week we would like to share several ways to care for and honor Mother Earth. 

  1. Practice Sit Spot. We talk about and practice Sit Spot quite a bit, because it gives us the opportunity to slow down and be mindful in nature. Finding a place to sit or lie down outdoors for at least five minutes while tuning into your senses to observe your surroundings not only reduces stress and increases peace and balance for ourselves, but it also helps to build gratitude and appreciation for the natural world. Even young children can practice Sit Spot for a coupe minutes. You may even make it a game as we do with the younger children in our nature immersion programs. Can you pretend to be your favorite animal quietly hiding in a cozy spot?
  2. Pick up trash. Yes, this is one we hear about often, and unfortunately it is still needed as there continues to be litter in natural places. Take a walk in the woods or along the roadside, collecting trash and putting it in a trash bag as you go. You may want to wear gloves. This is also a great activity for kids. They can carry their own small bag and pick up as you walk together.
  3. Make a Bee Hotel. Pollinators like bees and butterflies are vital for the survival of many plants and much of our food supply. Supporting bees with a pre-made home can help these friendly pollinators. Try making a bee hotel HERE.
  4. Plant seeds of flowering plants that pollinators love. Pollinators love collecting from crocuses, snowdrops, geraniums, poppies, zinnias, sunflowers. Also herbs such as lavender, cilantro, thyme and sage produce flowers the bees and butterflies love.
  5. Create a "No-Mow" section of your lawn. Many plants that some of us consider weeds are beneficial to the pollinators. Dandelions, buttercups, clover, aster, and goldenrod are all flowers that may grow naturally in your yard if you let them. Try picking a small area of your yard allow it to grow wild!
  6. Find ways to reduce plastic use in your home. Reducing the amount of plastic we buy means less waste and less harmful plastic ending up in our natural spaces (it's also better for our health). Try replacing one plastic item you use with a non-plastic option. The following week, try replacing one more. Here are a few ways to reduce plastic use:
    • Try wax sandwich wraps or reusable snack bags instead of plastic ziplock baggies.
    • Use shampoo, conditioner and hand soap bars instead of plastic bottles of these products.
    • Use reusable cups instead of disposable plastic ones.
    • Pick non-plastic packaging at the grocery store. Bring your own reusable bags for produce.
    • Bring your own glass or stainless steel water bottle from home, rather than buying plastic bottled water.
    • The next time you purchase a toothbrush, try a compostable one like these bamboo toothbrushes.


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